Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Feb 07, 2023

Dear FutureMe, Je ne vais pas bien. Je suis perdu, je me dégoûte. J’arrive plus à garder le masque. Je déteste ça. Pourquoi j’ai peur de tout ? Peur du bruit, du monde, de la solitude, de mon avenir et de grandir. Pourquoi j’ai autant de trauma ? Le suicide, les morts et les problèmes psychologiques. Pourquoi on me reproche mes pleurs ? Trop sensible, inutile et gênant. Pourquoi...

Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from November 7th, 2023

Dear FutureMe, Je me sens seule. C'est comme si, j'étais enfermée dans une boîte vide et sombre. Que j'étais assise dans un coin, recroquevillée, que j'attendais que le temps passe. Des fois, j'ai l'impression que cette boîte est infinie. Que je cours sans fin en espérant atteindre un coin, un mur, une porte. Et parfois, la boîte est si petite que je me sens étouffée, étranglée, prise au piège...

Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Dec 07, 2023

EAI BICHA VEIA!!!! Eu sou você, só que do passado 👍 Com certeza essa carta vai ter VÁAAAARIOS ERROS DE PORTUGUÊS, mas FODA-SE!! 😍✨ Não sei se você se lembra, querida eu... Mas você escreveu uma carta para você mesma a 6 meses atrás. Pois é bicha... Que doido- Quero te perguntar como vai a vida :D (carinha cringe porque sim.) Eai??? COMO VAI? e os namoradinhos e namoradinhas online? Arran...

Time Travelled — 2 months

A letter from Jul 25, 2024

Hey there mae, Just a little check up on you hun. We are currently in year 11, one year before graduating. Semester 2, half way to term 3. It's July 25th and we've had some hectic conversations with Abby wabby. We told her about macey, and how much they ****** us over and over. Look babe, I know you don't want to admit that you've lost feelings for macey but its for the best, for you an...

Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from July 31st, 2020

Dear FutureMe, querida itzel espero que cuando veas esta carta recuerda sigue luchando por la saga crepúsculo es la que nos a mantenido en pie por las desgracias amorosas sigue checando esos pechos no hay que callar nada no te olvides de reir y mostrar lo mejor de ti porque lo puedes y lo puedes todo espero que para ese entonces ya dieres el primer besito jajaja sigue soñando y creciendo como ...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Jun 16th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, mong rằng trong tương lai phải thật thành công, học thật giỏi nhé, 1 năm trước bản thân đã có thay đổi bạn bè, người bạn tưởng sẽ không bao giờ xảy ra biến cố thì bạn và họ đã ở mức vực thẳm không thể nào kéo nỗi lại tình bạn . Đã có thêm thật nhiều bạn mới, tiểu đội 9 và những bạn bè khác. Mong tình duyên sẽ luôn thuận lợi

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 19th, 2022

Dear FutureMe, wasup papai when you see this you will probably have money so i want you to give it to your uncle jesse and have him gamble for it and double it and then invest it somewhere it will grow like bit coin or something. when you do that by stuff for yourself and then write another letter to yourself when your 14 and tell him to work at dairy queen👍.

Time Travelled — about 2 months

A letter from June 11th, 2024

Dear FutureMe, Are you still crying about it? I hope you stopped crying about but if not, it's fine you know. You don't have to forget to forgive. But, I hope you realized that you're worth it and you didn't deserve it. All you did was love the person with your everything and there is nothing wrong with you. You are beautiful and an amazing person, having small bo*bs is beautiful too, right? H...

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