Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — 8 months

A letter from May 20, 2024

Dear FutureMe, Just thought that i'd write a quick message to you to wish you a Happy New Year! If you're reading this. Then you didn't **** yourself (yay!) Sending love, wishing you the best and have a great 2025 looking forward. If life went to plan, getting out of debt and living it larger than life then you got a cracker of a year ahead. Be blessed A slightly less emotionally...

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Feb 02, 2024

hey gorgeous gorgeous girll, how are you? how’s 200 level? are we more studious because rn i’m stressing about exams and matric and i haven’t picked up a book for the longest while (procrastination at it’s peak😭) girl are we in love yet? or is it still complicated because rn i’m still very insecure and sad that no man has approached me in school i try not to think about it as much because i ...

Time Travelled — 10 days

A letter from Dec 22, 2023

Hey Zach, I hope that you get this letter. What’s happening in school? Are your grades good? Do you still have friends? I want to know if anything has changed from now. Is our life still at an all time low? Do we still make mom mad all the time. When you are reading this letter, tell mom this. Tell her that I love her, and I never understood why I had such a short temper to her. She is the b...

Time Travelled — about 1 year

A letter from Oct 05, 2022

Dear FutureMe, 你好,2023年的自己。不知道现在的你过的怎么样,是否已经成为了一名程序员,或者说你又碌碌无为浪费了一年的宝贵时间。在2022年的你一直生活在焦虑和碌碌无为之中,现在的你应该活成了自己想要的样子了吧。现在的你应该追到了自己喜欢的姑娘了,你应该不在念旧了。你的梦想是去世界各地去看一看体验一下国外的那种自由和狂野,希望不论什么时候你都不能放弃自己,自己永远真诚的为自己而活。

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Jun 16th, 2021

Dear Chu Vĩnh Khang, Chào em, chồng bạn chị hí hí. Không biết một năm sau chúng m còn yêu nhau không nhưng mà thôi, ở quá khứ ta cứ gọi thế đã. Bây giờ là 00;29 ngày 17/6/2021, nhân tiện lướt facebook thấy cái link này nên viết đôi điều với em. Một năm sau chắc em đang ôn thi đại học vất vả như bọn chị bây giờ, nhưng không sao, nhanh qua thôi hí hí. Cố gắng thủ khoa em nhá, tin em Mong em v...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from February 27th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, i hope your doing alright. i just hope i am doing well with social life, and i hope i am a friend with my classmates now. I'm just writing this because I've been distancing myself from everybody it's just because my conversation and social skills sucks. well this is not our topic, i just wanted to write this so i would know if I'm doing okay with the kinda of panic attacks i'...

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