Time Travelled — over 5 years

A letter from December 27th, 2017

Dec 27, 2017 Apr 26, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear Bebest, I hope you will read my future message. This was sent on December 27, 2017 for your to be sent today, April 26, 2023, our 10th anniversary. I hope we are still together after 10 years and counting. I love you and I hope we will be stronger enough to face all the trials. I wish we could have even just 1 child to call us mommy and daddy, but it is still up to the Almighty One. If you read this, I want you to know that you are the very best gift I ever had and I will treasure you forever. I love you and always will. Love, Your Bebest Melon


1 day later

Dear Past Me,

You have been married with...

Yam 22, ebbtse your alst nbso 1220. A avhe hwo tllis owsnk we nto'd 'sit yet ubt lhdienrc liltet thta sda. Up opeh tlsli is ilwl itwh wlil emoc it him, we tujs tlsli dan hatt mtei. Ahev lel,w our yabb ew veyr live, ufr utce. Ttha ady ew ew hvea ognretrs orwng ear ervye phyap.
To nwo stih i emrbrmee ,me hslpe ktahn tsap su ruo onkw uftreu how yuo.

This user has written an update to this letter.To see what they wrote, please

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

How sweet.

maya lun:

over 1 year ago



over 1 year ago

so happy for u bro

hope u have a good life man


over 1 year ago

hope u have a good life man


over 1 year ago

I wanna kbow what happened but i cant afford upgarding to premium. can someone write it down in the comments section? or the actual sender


over 1 year ago

That is so sweet you did that for your boyfriend

Letter Author:

over 1 year ago

Me and my boyfriend got married last May 2021 but still waiting for God's time to have our baby.


over 1 year ago



over 1 year ago

this is so cute. may God bless your marriage and your future children.


over 1 year ago

So sweet ❤

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