Time Travelled — over 1 year

One month pre-Harrison

Oct 19, 2016 Jun 29, 2018


Peaceful right?

My dear Me, I hope this letter finds you well. :) I am writing you on th 19th October 2016. and right now I am having some issues with all the studying and memorizing but I still found some time to write you this letter. With all the fuss around this year's medical job options, I just want you to know that I really believe that you are going to be happy no matter what you (or your grade) choose. People do adapt very well. Rely on that! (Please, whatever force of the universe is out there, let me be right! Please!) I bet you are a great doctor and I am sure that that is not depending on you performance on the exam. And I know you are going to be a great doctor because you have a huge heart and you don't have that exccess of ambition that makes a lot of doctors think more about money than they do about the patients. Please, if you see anyone being rude to someone who doesn't deserve it, don't be afraid to jump in and speak up... Maybe you are the only one who does it and maybe for that person, you might be the only one who ever did. People deserve it, no matter how much trouble you think you will get. As a doctor, don't forget to hold someone's hand just because you "need to be home early". Don't forget to look people in the eye and always, always treat them as you would treat your mum or our grandma. Speaking of them, I hope they are both still alive to confort you when you need it the most; and if they are not, I hope you are tearing up over the joy of remembering the good times with them :D More than just conforting, they have always been there for you and I trust you still know that. All those times you came home to a hug from moma... The times you came home from school for a chicken leg carefully saved from luch for you to eat at 5pm... The times grandma would almost tear up, thinking about how hard it must be for you to keep studying through everything... And those times she whould say that she asked the Lord to help with your car trips and your tests and exams... and the candles she would burn when you had exams... The times you screamed and cried and also the times you laughed together... The time with the rat in the living room; (remember that?) yelling and jumping and laughing afterwardes.. still gives me shivers. urgh -.- And your sister! I hope you still talk to each other often, I hope that life has brought the two of you together and not apart. And if it did, please call her tonight, tell her how much you loved her. Tell her that no matter what, you will stay together!! And if you feel bitter reading this, remember the things you did together when you were younger... remember how much you felt her absence when you spent one month living away from home! (and how you cried writing this part of the letter). Just tell her you love her and that it will always be a safe place between the two of you... And of course, everything said above about the sister applies to the "sister" you both have. Remember how much you used to have in common? Do you still do? About Dad, remember how much you missed that man... and how you were always fighting but would always find time to have a real talk or share some thoughts. (It was rare, I know... but very good) I also wonder how your life is regarding you-know-who... You were best friends, remember? Did he leave already? (Like people always seem to do in your life.) Once you saw him as the best person you've ever met. Did he dissappoint you again? Did he hurt you again? Is he shut down behind his great wall of china again? Please, please, let the answer to those four questions be "No". (I am here hoping you still talk to him, because he is such an important part of your life, right now...) When it comes to love, it will come when the time is right. Until then, just be happy on your own and know that you are only good for the right guy. Don't loose yourself trying to be the right person for the wrong man. It is getting pretty late in my time zone and so I'll end up by saying that rigt now, the biggest quality you have is always being open to help others and always be there when someone asks, no matter who. Please keep that or remember that and get it back again.. You are a good person now (when I write this) and I am sure you will be forever, but sometimes you might forget it for a while, remember it, bring it back, keep it. Lots of love, Me


over 6 years later

That is me! And we actually married that guy last year and we are now expecting our first child! Life...

You woh vleea orf nlgo eth si gnogi cgantihe snoo a erhet of wya nur and fynun ash who is to.
Ebetrt is my wa,ayyn ggtetni sa htiw hpntrloseiia eag adn ew listl great aymilf my. Tersiss dna ym elif add het mcuh era thta lltis pytetr ocrks tsrppuo mo,m.
Csik dan esdpas uunetnrtloa,yf nik)th dyas (i esh gdranam daseps ttrele frtea saw ivr,ader a deyraal ywaa pecae she stih wfe in fleneig. Msoheow irag-nrede ohw teh stmie si botua tub hi,st elik ,reh i hlep tbu at us seh yeyavrd,e eetltr os hre of hiwt ntc'a sskpea fdyoln tslli tllis i tnhik heer hnkit.
The j,bo am granlee wno sa axem retaf a a i of dorab the i rfo am ot dna ecembo for cynrtleru synrdiece udisgnty 6 odcrot usgnore yesra. Whiosng a yvre it utb fayliln ti uestlrs a,tph is msoe was rhad.
I iekl i to edra form eb ptas ot esrltte dan am eehr bcak teh emco ewhre wsa the i oautb afr and who udolw i nkiht i rehew uhthtog ofrm mfro.
As ,love fo lwayas, otsl.

This user has written an update to this letter.To see what they wrote, please


1 day ago

Hii! I can't read your epilogue (no premium) but what you wrote was really inspiring to me. I actually started tearing up and it's pretty hard for me too... Anyway, I hope you are living your best life right now and are happy!

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