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Dear Adler (hopefully),
All is not right with the world, Yoshi/Jamie has already lost his job. They didn't rehire him... Also he hasn't exactly been enforcing the new name so at best people don't use it but don't care, and at worst people (Umair) despise it. So rip to him I guess. Also he's just totally miserable after losing the job and there's not much I can do really. He never responds to messages and if he does it's just one word basically. Not good but no way for me to force him to get better either.
My placement presentation went well but I'm still waiting for the results. Uni wise things are a little chaotic but once the switch from Weather and Climate to Literature Review has gone through and I finish the monthly reports for work it should calm down a bit. And society wise it's so fun, particularly Just Dance. Also drinking, drinking is always fun particularly when I get to laugh at everyone else (rip Josh).
I really need to work harder on the Adler cosplay but it's just a struggle to find the time. Still have some pieces I need to print, and then I need to paint them and make sure it all looks good. And then all the sewing. Please tell me you made the deadline and it didn't look ****!
I've bought a new laptop which arrives tomorrow which I'm SUPER hyped about, god this one sounds like it's trying to take off, and it "tested the fan" during a lecture!!! Awful. But hey it can't be as embarrassing as Dan breaking his chair.
I also plan on buying some new clothes, I saw Iain the other day and I refuse to be "out-dripped" by him, though his jacket was vintage or smth so I can't exactly top that with my asos gift card unfortunately. I can try though, I need more colour in my wardrobe it's gotten too "black techwear-ish".
I've been really enjoying Sonic Adventure 1 I've just been dying to play more but I've been too busy. I really want to finish it so I can move onto 2 though cause of Shadow. I've been on a total Shadow hyperfixation recently he's just so cool. Need to consume all Shadow media before the movie so I can properly appreciate it.
Also I don't remember if I mentioned this at some point prior but Josie's pregnant which is just wild, due in December. She's supposed to come round in a couple weeks but I'm not holding my breath. Also was hoping Umair would come round at some point but he's been super busy with something so I guess I'll just have to wait. At least the house is like perfect now that I've got all my plush toys in and such. In the end I didn't buy the tv off of Alex cause no one uses the living room anyways, but I'm still glad I bought the table cause it's just useful in general.
That's it from me now, life's busy but I'm getting by and I'll do fine I'm sure.
Best regards,
Arlo "Shadow aficionado" Linnard
4 months laters h i t
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