Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024 Nov 19, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Today is 19 September 2024 ,I am now in 2 year of college i feel very happy and fulfilled now because I am doing well I all aspects of my life I worked my *** of and finishing learning MERN stack and making 40 projects , I have good friendship in class , PG ,parents ,female friends , I have started going to the GYM , I am doing dopamine detox (No Instagram No porn no fap no junk food ) I feel much more confident now I am making projects in MERN to get good in it and then landing at a job I am very much satisfied that secured 8.9 CGPA in 2nd semester and I am no more anxious in talking to any girl out there Lastly I am very happy about that now I am living in a single room 203 I have left eating junk ..... I go to the gym morning it self I am much more mature I do meditate it feels very good to have this all I get lot of attention from both male as well as female friends ... I love/enjoy coding (doing development) Got an idea for an amazing business model I feel confident to myself being such a hardworking discipline I feel so lucky that I have not to go classes just lab I feel looking more Handsome , more attractive I have lot of time for development (coding) I have started doing intermediate fasting due to which my body shape is much more better I have abundance of money ... I have a good peer group , good network ...


6 days later


Yuo 70 whta gtouhth of eavh % headvcie.

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