Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Feb 02, 2024

Feb 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2025


Peaceful right?

hey gorgeous gorgeous girll, how are you? how’s 200 level? are we more studious because rn i’m stressing about exams and matric and i haven’t picked up a book for the longest while (procrastination at it’s peak😭) girl are we in love yet? or is it still complicated because rn i’m still very insecure and sad that no man has approached me in school i try not to think about it as much because i had a talk with mudia and i surround myself with positivity and i’m at peace with myself and my body as at now (even though i’m like really sick ) how’s daddy and how was the efcc case that made him so stressed out i hope it worked out for him and it was in their favor because it made everyone literally so sad including me guy i cried because of it sha i have plans that when we get to ugbor campus we will be going out like take advantage of our freedom and probably have a man outside that we will be seeing (ik it’s a stretch but anything is possible) i hope we were able to buy gifts for mummy and daddy and have our own money maybe even have a hustle that’s working for us i know i’ve written this in all my past letters as this has been a long term dream but please please please i hope we’re healthier now and we have our dream body or atleast we’re getting there because i don’t want to be sad for that long as it has always been an insecurity and i know when we get the body everything will work out for us and our confidence will be top tier like imagine what pretty privilege feels like i’m praying for us sis i hope we’re winning academically, physically and spiritually and i pray that God remains with us as we embark this journey so we can be the best we could be Byeee sis love you🥹❤️


about 1 month later

heyy boo,
200lvl is sucking the life out of me, i just started a new semester it’s chill now but i started posting yesterday which was somewhat stressful but fun...

All getrohet. Bda a now imh at tjsu aslsc asw ubt 4 eenb i ayw yucetnlrr a nitd’d fra nad is veol sgu,es lefe os gnihnto, if i i’m neeb kpars lveo orf bui senw adn i i sloev hte ’hes attsh’ hnew iagdnt hathyle ni snew ewkse i so e!tird! erbok e’hs nad ltsil e’evw mih i e’ewv si rphaiileostn aetgr he awalsy evne tub og ogdo no dnot’ i keli ’sit uuistosd me ookl nd’to todya ahniyntg i😂sttraneacorp ebne cseaeub ofr i nkwo a ,b😔yo pusl i. Ot i lveo nwok tirhg wrgo fi ’im in hmi won but ’lli yllrae i imte whit t’nod olev nhtki. Gopolzdaei eoaerecrtvd dna id,iartter ouy i kyo“”a ew’er omo eh we irdte onw eedevorrta”c finihs, adstrte efle trghlai“” no hrthotugou saw i nggiaiolpoz eh i i eh was stih ruoey’ awy het ratel kesda oegfrt” even tusj ltdo dsia fi i’m ’im y,da igkntal hmi aurgtmne ,ofr nad me htta vrey dan nto ihst him odtl vhnta’e a byo mhi isda atht ahwt hsti tsju em aeginim you aws oydta iwth me os bsyu nda gasniepk ulfl sopnek so nwo ksonw you“ a ratp htat nr nwo wuhttio tdeutiat nda i and asw dya klei ovle upets nda feart i goign ttah oyaplog ,esf tdn’o keil i dmnoay acn ogt ***** w“d evne swa o i saw esyyetadr yda i gvgnii to oaky he disa. Igtdan wre’e god usjt ot i moo im’ tno xett abeg li’l sebecua aaleyrd o,bfird it fi 😂sirtf iads otn tsih iuyblvsoo rof as ogse goign rsryo no asyd tkea mreo. Is dgoo crea is tselsusrf efil ti aardeyl htgri stih otdn’ ti tdno’ ot plhntsioaeri my sah oaeynn i eend ebga ’its own lla for sa nidgad i.
Demrfeo so htis the nuf inorwkg a ewtn ayn toms i ma nad ktae won i gessu stehul orf smetsere od in i dan lil’ ’sti of fo igodn dha c,soloh ,tarp tsih otl ahtw avhe em ogwinnimp tub on tuo no i i iitnnesgv eb aeaantdvg so ’thsta teh adtes as rfa ltsa ni out ltgie orf hgnit nd’ot.
Sstres yvre of lsyemf ttah ma cacpte abseeuc i adn i ma i 😂o dna am yefslm swafl ibt ctoteennd my evah nicteodnf thegiw nerve nda but i armde loag i omo chrae odby lla nkis, in tiqeu oslt a aehy. Ucerines own cna on hgacen afr eno thta yver htirg mfor mi’ and. ,lelw ): gofrto it i has nagai hte veen atkhn gnviig i fse me thngyi ngtrhset eolv i i fcec for it os aepdphen nwte itkhn mlfsey nad tath gdo ot tub hwat csea do wtne ewll yddda. Eyt ythe myumm nad etorghet o’ndt tjus eucynrlrt leiv noeymar cirvodde r,eegthto tyhe dddya evtan’h no ton era. Ym leki ,ago ym afrhte a roe;spn ton a cpkaun ti get mmyum i tghri heav rof butao flet i ti’s wnko ntru a omo hsa doog goln uot akoy it hmte odsnus tnio gsnith is awtn but i ee,rh ot hppya luohds on’td onw i imet sebauce to olt it pohe olehbrir ma ahs.
Nda rfo dna dan su is teh spu twih teh dog su evyedyra lfei i lliw he llsit ehva all epdesti donsw wtih ’im oreefrv artugfel. Rgyol be ot god.
Gedutnrii lenrctryu enalnleba ?rt😭ihg drasec sp me whti ’mi ont ttha voem on!w mi’ eascebu nognkiw wo,n ceotanir kolo tssrielyn,o rewg idwer stngih ’im beosdsse liek oeivsm at acwtginh by dt’on me sehet thye btu aehv recsad i iylesa up jtsu tiegngt ororrh agtre aonymer, ilek ti od. Orhror htiw eben lla ewnh onw asw nglg,eols lkei usdisiion, ignojcrnu i emiovs htat dtrehyriea oliysgpoalhcc imosve dna snice eefbro i ftirs htat dna calaut casder ffo daesrtt hnet the nlbeeanla tchwaed evi’ leki it lmsie i imsmrmado a i eikl deertne srdatte tgcanhiw hdicl iltl lkei rrohor. Hte ’im hwact yet ot unn tho.
T’asht leltti utdeap lal ym efil fro. ❤️ydoebg❤ee️oe.

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about 11 hours ago

wow, eu estava prestes a escrever uma carta para mim do futuro, e esbarei na sua carta, e que interessante, pude me identificar com suas palavras, me trouxe até um conforto. Posso até não te conhecer, mas queria muito ler sua ultima atualização, pena que não posso pagar pela melhora do site. Mas hey, espero que as coisas estejam indo bem para você! E obrigada pelo post, foi agradável.

Letter Author:

about 9 hours ago

Ah, como eu queria poder te enviar a atualização! Eu estava justamente falando sobre conciliar a vida em família, os estudos e meu relacionamento meio instável, e como isso tem me afetado. No momento, as coisas não estão indo muito bem para mim porque estou bastante esgotado(a), mas eventualmente vou melhorar, as coisas vão dar certo para mim :) Fico feliz que meu post tenha sido agradável e que você tenha se identificado com ele, pelo menos isso é algo que temos em comum lol😂 Não sei se isso foi traduzido corretamente, pedi pro ChatGPT traduzir para mim ahaha😂

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