Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Feb 02, 2024

Feb 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2025


Peaceful right?

hey gorgeous gorgeous girll, how are you? how’s 200 level? are we more studious because rn i’m stressing about exams and matric and i haven’t picked up a book for the longest while (procrastination at it’s peak😭) girl are we in love yet? or is it still complicated because rn i’m still very insecure and sad that no man has approached me in school i try not to think about it as much because i had a talk with mudia and i surround myself with positivity and i’m at peace with myself and my body as at now (even though i’m like really sick ) how’s daddy and how was the efcc case that made him so stressed out i hope it worked out for him and it was in their favor because it made everyone literally so sad including me guy i cried because of it sha i have plans that when we get to ugbor campus we will be going out like take advantage of our freedom and probably have a man outside that we will be seeing (ik it’s a stretch but anything is possible) i hope we were able to buy gifts for mummy and daddy and have our own money maybe even have a hustle that’s working for us i know i’ve written this in all my past letters as this has been a long term dream but please please please i hope we’re healthier now and we have our dream body or atleast we’re getting there because i don’t want to be sad for that long as it has always been an insecurity and i know when we get the body everything will work out for us and our confidence will be top tier like imagine what pretty privilege feels like i’m praying for us sis i hope we’re winning academically, physically and spiritually and i pray that God remains with us as we embark this journey so we can be the best we could be Byeee sis love you🥹❤️


about 1 month later

heyy boo,
200lvl is sucking the life out of me, i just started a new semester it’s chill now but i started posting yesterday which was somewhat stressful but fun...

Ergttohe lal. Ta i so ovle lassc i fi ’seh ihtagynn oadyt tub wno ingdta eneb i’ddtn nda wens bene and gdoo hmi i fro i ee’wv y😔bo, i solve evne bad afr yaw aertg hte srpak ewnh 4 a imh dan ausceeb dn’ot orf utb skwee is em tujs lntcruyre kiel wnes hyehlta i is vloe rte!d!i tond’ ’seh i leef uspl i bnee kown og so t’si aws no ewv’e i easrtaptrnoc😂i aasywl okol stlil he sisuodut ’tshta orkeb e,sugs tgin,hno a mi’ iinpesotahlr ibu a ni. L’li hmi with vole rwog htgir vloe fi item ot’dn ubt kown own in i yralle ikhnt m’i i to. Asdi eh he saw nwo a y”“kao ,nfshii dna u“yo esoknp giginv nac taht even o rn retdi f”tgreo ta’venh uoy imh swa hatt em r’wee i mih magiien leik teh oloadipzge i lri“gaht” i ioaponggilz i oby tusj wsa os ytdao sdai hothurtuog ”rrteeoacedv gto eodtravceer kowns jtsu awy drsetyyea ltera ***** i me wuhotti nwo day lotd a oaydnm ihm eovl nda uyo reumntga swa ,efs ,rof ieart,rdti eh tshi yoaolpg putse tath kesda day, i ybus intlakg hwat saw i m’i and tdlo own uroy’e adn if iwht no’dt nto os wsa neve omo ttdetuia adsetrt refta lfee hsit i’m asid taht vyre dya em he ew nigog like ot full naiepkgs nad tsih i on dw“ i nad atrp yaok dna. Oemr tno otn bouoyisvl niatdg for esceabu dalreya ginog text oseg r’wee fi ryros it no 😂irtsf bdrifo, i’ll ot usjt i ekta iths sadi adys odg egba moo sa im’. I eifl ’ontd ym odgo nynaoe eadryla now ot it ihts lla is dniadg hgrti acre eiarsonthpil i deen has ’sti fro si ti as abge srfusselt ’tdno.
I newt li’l in eth ma no eht wogrikn dt’on so tihs tlsa isth out of me raf i uot nya gnmwoniip od gtnih i os guess mots wtha iestnngiv trmseees own a idnog etuhsl had be tub etavaandg part, i evah for and its’ nad fremdeo as fnu tol kaet orf in on ocolhs, a’stht daest i fo gltie.
Wgehit earhc aglo tccepa ni i tuiqe lla i sleyfm atth aehy ma doby nda lost i becseau ceeontdnt rdmea eyvr utb nda i alwfs oom bti dan i reven s,ikn yelfsm a am noifdenct 😂o am restss of vhae ym. Oen seunceri fmor ehcnag nda on anc won ’im ithgr very arf htta. Fcce i ti gttnhers lwle ktahn sfe :) wnet i ewnt it ahwt seac vole ot i igaan emlyfs eht em enepdpha htta so but even ggivni dan htikn ,llew i dgo has ytihgn fgoort for do dyadd. Hotretg,e evh’ant meyraon tey tgoeethr ont adddy on dan tehy hyet vile ddocvire leyurntcr dto’n aer mymmu stju. Sah nsusdo seebcau i ftaehr nwat lhusdo mthe gte tou but gdoo nokw kupanc sah my i outba tiem it lkei tno kyoa a ithgr tlo a i yapph mmuym o,ga oom to eahv rosn;pe ti left am rutn e,her orf gnlo own nito a tis’ it is ehpo roirlebh d’tno i ym htsnig ot.
Wlil eh ehva wsdno the dna ’mi is su dgo nda for evyreyda tslil nda ihtw the all su i vrefoer eitpsed with psu gfltaeru elfi. Ot eb lyrog odg.
Od utb dt’no oynmae,r ihtg😭?r cdesra ikwnnog it em stnihg hitw atth now! pu esi,oyrsntl dscear ookl ’im atnwcihg leik arcinoet these vmeo tno tynlerurc aergt by isaeyl em sdeesobs im’ tnrdiigeu elebananl wdeir heav at ntetgig i juts m’i wgre omsevi eikl rhrroo sp yeth ecbusae own,. I juonigrnc rsfit atht licolospcyagh scein saw ielk rrrooh iemsvo tlli aetryidrhe adthwec ie’v isoius,idn dtereen bnalaeenl fof nda ti raetsdt ebne orhrro i boefre tneh acltua lg,osnelg lal nwaictgh elki adescr hiwt hte asretdt slemi ekil hclid enwh imodsarmm a onw i i ttha nda elik mvesio. Unn eht im’ wctah hot tey to.
Rof ym efli lla h’atst pduate tltiel. E❤e️obdeyoe️❤g.

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about 13 hours ago

wow, eu estava prestes a escrever uma carta para mim do futuro, e esbarei na sua carta, e que interessante, pude me identificar com suas palavras, me trouxe até um conforto. Posso até não te conhecer, mas queria muito ler sua ultima atualização, pena que não posso pagar pela melhora do site. Mas hey, espero que as coisas estejam indo bem para você! E obrigada pelo post, foi agradável.

Letter Author:

about 12 hours ago

Ah, como eu queria poder te enviar a atualização! Eu estava justamente falando sobre conciliar a vida em família, os estudos e meu relacionamento meio instável, e como isso tem me afetado. No momento, as coisas não estão indo muito bem para mim porque estou bastante esgotado(a), mas eventualmente vou melhorar, as coisas vão dar certo para mim :) Fico feliz que meu post tenha sido agradável e que você tenha se identificado com ele, pelo menos isso é algo que temos em comum lol😂 Não sei se isso foi traduzido corretamente, pedi pro ChatGPT traduzir para mim ahaha😂

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