Time Travelled — 10 days

A letter from Dec 22, 2023

Dec 22, 2023 Jan 01, 2024


Peaceful right?

Hey Zach, I hope that you get this letter. What’s happening in school? Are your grades good? Do you still have friends? I want to know if anything has changed from now. Is our life still at an all time low? Do we still make mom mad all the time. When you are reading this letter, tell mom this. Tell her that I love her, and I never understood why I had such a short temper to her. She is the best mom I could ever have, and make sure that is clear. I love her so much, even if she doesn’t see it. Happy New Year, ..Zachary.


about 1 year later

girl what...

Emo os the ofrk i aws 🪆 ranifegk. Snde bey i ddi hyw ekil 💀 htis.

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