Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Dec 06, 2022

Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, hi! so I just recently broke my Chromebook recently during Thanksgiving break. but I got a new one that has a touchscreen! I am in 6th grade and I'm an actor! (sort of) I hope that when I am reading this I have become a big-time real-deal actor. I'm currently working on my first show. It's called La Reconquista. I got the role of Farraj (I'm a meanie slave trader hehe.) I hope that it goes well! (well I guess you know if that happened.) It's almost Christmas and I want squishmallows, an apple watch, chocolate, Animal crossing: new horizons, a karaoke machine, and this computer thing. I hope I got everything I wanted. also I love squishmallows!! I have 66 right now. also, do I have a phone? I REALLY want a phone. I hope that my life goes well! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


about 1 year later

hi Alice.
start of middle school, huh?

your life is gonna SUCKKKKKKKKKKKK. These are going to be the WORST years...

Of ouyr eilf. .
-delaeral tye a en'atr yuo -gibe"tim cotr"a. Uothhg htetera in tslil yeu'or.
Etryhgnevi you get wetnad ouy rfo mahsscitr idd'nt. Htohug futsf eoms.
Vahe tbw uyo 97 sumolisaslhwq. Tgo a oasl hoenp yuo lol a,yhe.
Yuo ogt los,a yaw peirertt. Ryonfbdie got uyo nda a. Srift oyu nda oryu ahd issk. 2)240 of ned a(dounr.
Ym eviacd hsere'. .
To ogrw satf up tsju angwnti opts os. Hddliohco serichh yrou.
On'td rcoa eb hiwt ifrsned. Dan utb rtceae sh'se csitsainrs eods a nthongi rmdaa.
Nreve lnyebte klie wlli ouy. Did renite ryea an him teswa klie 'tond i inghsca.
Sotp isgayn he"he. " 'ist gcnire.
Dfnrsei rouy swlyie choseo.
Rbfoee nhtgainy uoy do thnik. .
'etarn ksa e,sru fi uoy.
Ilev pnreets eht in. Fro coem ujst to atiw 'ntdo fuuret hte. Eth furteu be het swylaa in giong to si uuretf. Wtinaig up yuo liwl iwniagt eb stuj to adn tifsiades eernv orgw.
Pseael. Aelpse od hrma lesf tno.
Eolv ureysolf. Ouy eb he ayw edwnat emda ujst hte odg to uoy.
Uoy you adn i leov i mssi. .
Uoy syenier,cl. .

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