Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Apr 15th, 2022

Apr 14, 2022 Apr 14, 2023

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, It's 3 AM and the cellphone light is blinding, but the old you have the guts to write a letter for you. So, how are things? Is everything getting better? Because right now, we had just been informed about the Fossil Fuels and the environment, and the Earth ending in 3-5 Years. So if you read this, write a letter for the future you again! Things are scary, really, and everyone is trying their best to save the world. Honestly, you have no plans on staying here for long but it doesn't mean you want the world to end. There are other people who deserves to live life where they can finally be happy, you know that. But now saying that, this letter may or may not reach you. Are you alive? How are things going? Are you going through it? Are you alright? Honestly, the old you have beeb so scared of admitting they're happy because she knows it'll end up in long sufferings just like it always does. So, I hope you're stronger than before. Anyways, I need to sleep as it's your Father and Grandfather's bdays today! Wish them a happy life! ♡ I have no hopes for you since I'm basically helpless. I'll day this though , do what you have to do. Love, past you. :) PS. WRITE A LETTER TO THE FUTURE U AGAIN

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

I love how you started the letter. Very original in my opinion. Mind if I use your letter as an example when writing mine?


over 1 year ago

I hope you are alright, and you are happy. Just know that you deserve all the happiness that is going to find you. Love yourself and you are going to achieve everything you want💞


over 1 year ago

Lamento que estés aterrado, pero que se eres valiente, porq decirlo/ reconocerlo en especial a ti mismo es de valientes. Espero y vivas!


over 1 year ago

I feel touched by your letter. How are you? I hope you´re alive and that your present self is doing well right now to remember the feelings you had and to remind you how strong you are and that you are not alone. Keep trying, I encourage you and I encourage myself to do the same. Figthing!

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

Still like reading this letter over and over. Never gets old.

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

The originality continues.


over 1 year ago

Your letter, I felt it in my bones as they say...(who's they, right:)), I can relate to not planning on being around for long and feeling helpless. What I can say is there are zero guarantees on things getting easier but- I found out when I was young - seriously, 12 years old I was hiv +, from blood transfusions when I was 2-4 years old( I'm 43 now). Life overall has been rough but when I am able to help someone or be in nature, with dogs and horses, or just hearing bada** music - I treasure those moments. I wouldn't trade them... the state of the world is a chaotic mess....my best friend, one of my true friends, lives in Kyiv, Ukraine amist war, the climate is getting worse, I can't even think about politics for longer than a minute, but - find your true friends - they will help you in unexpected ways and vice versa. Treasure those you Love - try to find ways to help others if you want to see less suffering...things don't always get better, but sometimes they do. If I could take away your suffering, I would....I truly hope you are ok, I hope you find your way. Love and Respect. - me

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

Yeah, what I said before, they might be lies.


over 1 year ago

When I was 17 in 2003, even I didn't think that 40 was old then. So I win! Far more positive mindset on age. Hope that if you have kids, that you teach your kids better.


over 1 year ago

Hey hope you doing alright. Looks like the world never ended therefore keep on living times may be tough, but we just gotta push forward and hope for the best!

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