Time Travelled — 11 months

A letter from April 20th, 2020

Apr 20, 2020 Mar 31, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, So apparently, I'm attending high school in Sydney. I'm in a romantic long-distance relationship with a guy studying in Japan. He is nice and he loves me (I guess). I'm not sure how long this relationship would last but I hope we would both have a great time together. I know none of us is perfect but I'm trying to accept and to see only the good points of him. My man, if you see this letter in 1 year's time and we broke up, I just want you to know that I was and always happy and grateful.


almost 4 years later

Dear Em,

Today, I accessed this mailbox for a completely different reason, but by chance, I stumbled upon your letter.

First of all, how have you been? Have you returned...

Ouy ro is to eifl yte? asyd? etehs rantitge menavit who.
Lerayl wtah ectedxnupe i i nkow i an ya,s lfet swa tertel, but joy uyro teh no’td to meotmn. Threa beeacsu arsdeh ghveentyir eo,remsim we eaaebubtsc—e fo ym teh a epdiksp fo. No a ghthuo left otte,gerh thta ew dha imet ,ogln ont flei my giatsnl has mrak. Ti’s elt g,o me neeb ti ot ot spta etrhe the otok rethe ewnlildg uyo ileveeb on opts sryea nca ars?ey alilfny. Ty,e ,onw enve mseyfl hptilranesio ofr rdeay eaorhtn teqiu i not indf.
Cmuh mm—rieoet htan you os lradezei em avge bybarlop ni ttha yuo. Uyo em myan me enevr o,uy nda uohghtr asyw have in lndraee econei,cdnf pdeehl enos iblud ol,nssse i ym i ahtt saedph ecxpedte. Tbu gtnvheirye d,ais awylas ,pu sywlaa gukfnci uyo u"yo sa ceno. I " dornwe emrmbere you tesoh rowds if siltl. Stgnhi i—rhgit aebm,y rwee you nda salawy sowomeh ot emse nriu.
Why kbore o,wn otn eevn eritlyen ’mi resu pu we. Fo yuo a idsa, as was nogs uoy to seid sjut eth yuo was aws ktceelai—cp rnu or ",doem"s me ahtt ehcso bamye nad you hte mabey saekrnds nc’tdlou it ni. Eht ’shatt cshae—nte fvgeroi em fi. Saw yuo i ro aemyb veirotkngnih and heygvitrne drc,ea never yrllea sjut. Oethergt awth inkas,tem if tbu osng ’mi us tno eht ogrbuth tn’swa sritf c?leap ni ttah.
In but apts lal eth shtt’a. Ieossrt ieigsvitnr ni on te’rehs opnit dlo. Aei?lm be and if hwo wskno os it sthi neve ’lyulo cvereie.
Crae tkea. You eohp i aer tulyr hyapp.

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