Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Oct 05, 2022

Oct 05, 2022 Apr 05, 2023

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, stop right now and just breathe. Take a moment to take it all in and allow yourself a moment just for you. Allow yourself a moment of rest, a moment of quiet, a moment to do something just for YOU. You have been working so hard these past few months and it's ok to slow down or even stop all together and just rest. You deserve it. You deserve time to reset and take care of YOU. Whatever time you carve out for yourself is not selfish. It is a MUST so you can be a better Mom, a better caregiver, a better friend, a better confidant, a better version of you. I hope you have an amazing day and please know that I am proud of all of your efforts. All of the long hours and sacrifices to reach your goals and improve your life, have all been worth it! Just don't forget to enjoy the present moment while you're working so hard to achieve your dream.


over 1 year ago

this sounds like me

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

I wonder how I'll feel when I get my letters someday.


over 1 year ago

I want to be like that but I think I can't šŸ˜”

Letter Author:

over 1 year ago

It was a lovely experience to read what I wrote 6 months later. Iā€™m glad I wrote the letter.


over 1 year ago

This spoke to meā€¦thank youšŸ’•


over 1 year ago

Thank you for this! Hope you are doing good.


over 1 year ago

I'm proud of you! Hats off to all moms wearing different hats and you'r one of them.

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago


Letter Author:

over 1 year ago

Thank you everyone! I really appreciate the support! I think most of us feel this way at times, like we donā€™t make enough time for ourselves. But it is so important.


over 1 year ago

I read a letter like this

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