Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Apr 27th, 2022

Apr 27, 2022 Apr 27, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Life is a weird thing. I just received the letter from the old future me you've sent to me two years ago and I realize nothing has really change. I don't know if I should be sad or juste accept how things are. I'm lying when I say nothing has change, for sure I have grew up, learn new things, but concretely, I feel like I walk like an ant and it annoys me. I work hard on my personal project and still wait to get benefit from it... please telle me now you are doing ok. Tell me now that you are recognize for what you do, tell me you can live from your ideas. Are you stil with that guy you met few weeks ago - that guy with fake hair / or maybe are you back with your ex or just free like a bird ? haha Anyway, I hope you are rich and famous but above all you are healthy <3 Life is weird thing. To read the last letter makes me a bit melancholia. I hope is not too ****** in the country this year cause the new president we got this week won't make things easy. Be strong


1 day later

Dear Old Me,

I did not expect this letter of you today. It make me smile because, you said it right : you president did shitty things in your country...

Darnuo rae etreh dab hte rkitses dan eyrv lla onturyc own. Ofr tsghni shgtri gintfgih yda oru reeyv ear vryee dan we. Fro hwti eht oru ufeurt nigghfti itgfhgni oilec,p. - aet itblueuaf niwe sghu, eeplop nkird a hcoas eivl asem eetstr ofod n,cdea issk, eafiubutl nad het i s,tighf in einc a hwat shcao ni ewrhe. .
Iotsnehgm deep ta hdra oyu era eth adn noemtm reecxnipngei yver. Tem eyuvo' rseya ofmr 10 ainga edvol uroy wsyaal tifsr eavh eth yuo evol ,oga eon. Imh sekwe etm ladholn otw in 'veyuo gao. It thngion oyu iekl hdpeanep eeexdptc. Eth erwe ni uyo zaridlee svnuroie ouy voinlg eenosmo stuj ziamang of vloe wthi. Eyrmano lsitl isht altuum swa it veol utb ouy ton is ehsdwi. Ubt on a ot efle ltciidffu rouy ryve evol evol, gnfelie oslu satwn jney,uor armnoye dnee eth ttah eb not ot or who nngao tsi' veom frtsi wno, etrgfo fo scros le,vo c,saebeu eht you het pyrporle. . . ?.
: ot oqseniust resnwa oruy.
Akcb wgi he letbausn get taht on, tno rof hiwt asw you you ygu sbeueca did yallre.
Rfnesid ckba ont xe get uyo own royu whti idd ubt oyu n,o sebt rea. .
I)npa i eht srift i tipusd efle btu uyo tsju acn ( utb uobat cptcea tohngni s,ye msae ta it hte dan vole od irfdoenby sad rouy lsilt eit,m.
Eilk refe uyo temi lveo sih irdb fo rko)w aegc in era do lwil tbu( a sy,e eht a.
Viel tecopjrs uory yuo laeorpsn rmfo ,yes nca. Yuo exisnreecep icrh fo rea tno btu rhic omyne, fo. Yuor s,obs uoyr estb to itsll o,wamn etndnndiepe yntigr od wno. It elvtra fnieebt ofr tstra etg you ot adn yuo orfm lto a atth. .
Tyci of nda ni 'mi krwo my saeecbu ! i uejyrno my 'mi fo say so can uamsof hcir ym.
Aktshn am,dn loa"nm"r nteteatmr uyo yuo nad to so vile era vesa uoy neesirv,u yas hppay to dna a no,w hte lief a nac htta ! oyu etlayhh !!! it 'im ahev.
M,e ilruebmuiqi inkwag hrda nda ilfe is gnappnhie not do i mahloaelnci viel an flee to ym ctcape i fidn tahw usjt ,ynromea ot. Ok i ok hte i heetnrb,roka am ot leef awy i as ievl ma now hgtir. .
Erhti siniigprn tiseor,s aer atth rgnshia ot me, leopep h,husotgt ryllea ifel fsel,enig terhi ihret ear eplepo htiers. Ahd hte 'mi tlil toady etpvosii aerlly rof i all ecirtatonni slmla tfegrula.
Eiwdr a ahmnu be btu flei to tneiens one si ylcku the i klie efel ecee,pnrxie teher im'.

This user has written an update to this letter.To see what they wrote, please


over 1 year ago



over 1 year ago

Keep trying ❤️


over 1 year ago

I keep failing. Why's life like this


over 1 year ago

It feels like I am the one who wrote this, up until I realized about the fake hair. Same pain different place. Hope you’re ok and things are moving good on your side 🫶❤️


about 1 year ago

Life’s hard… you you are more powerful 🪷


9 months ago

I've never felt so relatable to a letter like this one


4 months ago

This is very sweet and very sad.


12 days ago

Crazy times, everything seems stagnant, we will surely get better.

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