Dear Madison,
What do I say to you? Right now, I'm writing this to you because it's an assignment from Ms. Asbell. Do you remember her? She's a good teacher. Anyway, How are you? How's the family? I'm sending this to you on your birthday So Happy Birthday! Are you still on the swim team? If so are you on varsity or JV? Remember why we love swimming because we feel alive and normal when doing it. Right now I am stressed out about If I'm going to districts for the swim team or am I doing Science fair. Hopefully, you made a good decision. Are we still In SEA? If not What the hell happened? Are we in Health careers or construction Careers? Whatever happened find your passion.
Sorry, I'm asking all these questions about stuff that probably hasn't even happened. because I'm trying to guess the future and I'm talking to a total stranger who I don't know but you know everything about me. I know that is so cool and weird at the same time. Anyway, I made a list for us about what I want us to do with our life.
Go to the Paralympics in 2024 for Swiming or Archery.
Go to Stanford
Do an internship for NASA or Space X
Save up enough money to buy a house for our parents in California or somewhere close to NYC
That is what I want from our life and we do all these things I'll be so happy and if we don't these things it will be okay but remember to be happy about what you do in life and good luck.
P.S - Love yourself, I know things can be hard at times but we will get through this. Don't ever give up!
Love, past you
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