Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 15th, 2020

May 16, 2020 May 15, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, You've wanted to do this for a while now...Its abit weird but if you enjoy reading it back, make sure you do another one! You sat your final actuarial exam 12 days ago. Though you had imagined this to come with freedom, you are stuck in lockdown. Some days you feel lucky to have the family around other days you need to have some alone time. Its ok. They feel the same too. Ha. You're also doing couchTo5k, i hope you finish it and are well on your way to your fitness goal in a years time. There's lots going on! you also started your new job! Its scary and you think you dont have a clue whats going on...but you'll catch on soon! Hope you've workedhard and made friends at work... virtual introduction to work is weird. There's lots of friends that are catching up with you and checking on you. Do you remember them? They are probably the ones still around...Be grateful for them. Who wouldve thought you'd be stuck in a pandemic. But you're trying to do whats needed and calling people out if they arent. Its harsh but this will only work if everyone works together. You've spent alot of time studying, and then binge watching Korean shows on netflix or running...trying to run. Its a hard time but you're getting through it and the people around you are helping. Time for a zoom call with L and F! Xx -Some days you are hopeful we will see an end to this, other days you arent. I hope youve been helping lift peoples spirits. From R x


3 days later


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