Dear FutureMe,
So apparently, I'm attending high school in Sydney. I'm in a romantic long-distance relationship with a guy studying in Japan. He is nice and he loves me (I guess). I'm not sure how long this relationship would last but I hope we would both have a great time together. I know none of us is perfect but I'm trying to accept and to see only the good points of him. My man, if you see this letter in 1 year's time and we broke up, I just want you to know that I was and always happy and grateful.
almost 4 years later
Dear Em,
Today, I accessed this mailbox for a completely different reason, but by chance, I stumbled upon your letter.
First of all, how have you been? Have you returned...
Mvaient owh uoy ro lefi rentgiat y?et si hseet asyd? to.
Nmmtoe teh ot ,tleert llerya felt your an twha a,sy i btu was d’tno dteceuenpx ojy i ownk i. Eusbece—bata eth a rtaeh vheigtreyn hsdaer buecaes ew of fo kpdsiep iesemmro, ym. Tohhug ttha we hda ngaslit item go,nl t,eoethrg my ifel flte sah a kamr ont on. Cna there ebne took tsap ,og rsaye its’ sye?ra eliebev rtehe post geidllnw no niaylfl hte let em ot uoy to it. ,own i ymlfes etqui redya neve rof tno nrtehoa ifdn tey, ioasptehilnr.
Uoy em prlyboab hcmu radzelie os oyu atht erteim—mo ni ahtn geav. Bldiu ,oyu me ohhutrg i uyo ttha have laerden spdeah in i sns,seol sayw lhdeep me ones ym aymn efendocci,n peexdtec dan vener. Ukgcfin ncoe lyaasw gihertvyne uy"o ylawsa ,up a,ids you sa btu. Fi uyo owsrd wneord ehots bmremeer i " tlisl. Ot and oyu rhit—ig urin ,ebyam ewre wmosohe tghsni awlsay emse.
Orbke wyh m’i rtyelnei veen tno ew w,on sreu up. Nkrasdse as ouy was sia,d ouy and eisd yaemb utjs it ro dcnto’ul saw gons uyo to lk—pceceati saw you fo atth a oesch ni nur eth meds"o," meayb het em. Taeeschn— tht’as em eth ferogvi fi. I saw drca,e rvene tsju khrteoinvngi aleylr yabem nda you ro nhivreteyg. In fi teh el?acp tn,akmesi otn tawns’ hegtotre gson i’m ahtw tub bgtohur us ttha fstri.
In lal sapt eth btu tsa’th. Sestoir in no hteesr’ irnesitivg old ointp. Snwok so eeericv it hwo nvee eb la?mei ouy’ll nda iths if.
Ekat acer. I tyulr hope ypaph aer ouy.
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